What To Do About Loneliness Internet Alone Is Not The Answer

What to do about loneliness is an increasing problem, more than ever before. The internet, social media and newer lifestyles caused by social changes are creating more isolation. This isolation is not just from each other, but from within us as people as a result. We as individuals are becoming more isolated from parts within ourselves. If you have ever tried to contact someone in a YouTube video or posting in a forum to compliment them on their creation, you already know how frustrating that can be. No one ever responds because they never look at all their channels of contact, and those postings there are years old. A proliferation of ways to contact and communicate with others has contributed to isolation, not reduced it.

What To Do About Loneliness Stay Connected To Your Feelings

Blocked communication with others is not the only contributing factor. Attitudes about personal feelings and being sincere in relationships have grown hostile as well. If we cannot find sincere compassion for our emotional sharing, then we will quit feeling our feelings, let alone attempt to find someone with which to share them. And that by far is the greatest problem of all. That is what causes us to experience loneliness. Our social world has grown into a hostile desert against sharing our deep feelings and getting sympathy of any kind. The only thing that thrives in deserts are sharp thorned cactus plants and reptiles, we all know that. If you are lonely, there are other sensitive people out there that are lonely to meet you also.

What To Do About Loneliness See Yourself As Gifted

Beautiful flowering plants like orchids and roses need more welcoming environments in which to flourish. Reptile people do not feel loneliness, because they do not care. Those of us with the most spiritual potential are the shamrocks and the orchids of humankind. Deep feeling high character people feel it the most. These are the ones who have the most to offer Humankind, and making the connection through loneliness is the obstacle. The first thing to do about loneliness is to understand ourselves. Second thing is then the environment, which is a desert, lastly, how to find others like us. When we do those things in that order, the desert will then become a rich, tropical setting where the shamrock and orchid side of ourselves can flourish.

What To Do About Loneliness Understanding Ourselves

To understand our similarity to others we need to understand our difference from all others. It is our differences that give us commonality. Being different from all others should be seen by you as what makes you acceptable to some others. Most lonely people see their difference as a fault, not a healthy desirable characteristic. If you see yourself as a failure and a person with faults because you are different, then you will never see the road map of your life set before you before time begun. Being different is good.

What To Do About Loneliness Put It Into Words

Describe it as specifically as you can. This may take a while and that is okay. What we mean by that is learn specifically for what it is that you are lonely. A general feeling of loneliness may not help as much in finding our answer. However, if we can describe specifically what would make us feel happy and complete, that will help us find our answer. The reason for that is we will learn something about us in what our gifts are. For example, feeling our loneliness is not much help. However, if we are a young boy and we are lonely for a girlfriend and want to take her on a date, then that tells us volumes. If we want to experience a setting, such as Alaska or dream of living in New York City or Ireland that is also valuable.

What To Do About Loneliness Is It For A Setting, A Person, Or A Group?

If we can put that into words, then we look further and figure out what we like, so we can find a place for meeting a girl that likes the same thing, such as ballroom dancing or riding mountain bikes. It does not matter what your specific station in life is or your age, there are exactly similar settings out there which will match something within you where you will find your answer. Describing yourself specifically will help you see settings fitting you into the world around you. Those forms can be wanting close intimacy, needing nurturing, giving to a needful other person and so on. Experiencing fellowship in a common cause or activity can be yet another. Being recognized for our ability, characteristics, or tastes is a big one. Putting what you are specifically lonely for will get you one step closer to your answer.

What To Do About Loneliness It Is Temporary With A Lesson

The needful desert setting you are experiencing has a purpose. It is there to teach you a lesson about you, your strength, your purpose, and that you have a life path as part of who you are. We have a saying here, which is, “Rough seas produce skilled sailors”. The purpose of your loneliness is to show you some beautiful characteristics of yourself for which you need connection. Without the loneliness your gift to give back to Humankind will never be noticed, needed, or then developed to share with others.

What To Do About Loneliness How To Find Others Like Ourselves

When we say find others like us, we do not mean find other lonely people as we are lonely. We mean find others with the same character profile as we are. If we look only for other lonely people, we will encounter those with a whole bunch of head problems. They are mostly reptilian manipulators who prey on others with their helplessness. Your purpose is not to help them because they are emotionally needful, your purpose is to find others with the same spiritual profile as you. The loneliness part is only temporary and is not a character indication for which you are looking. The similarities with others are always positive things that describe you and them. Interests, hobbies, characteristics you were born with, and loneliness is not one of them. You were not born lonely, you were born with a passion to grow flowers or to draw, or discovering your ability to learn music, entertain, explore or build.
Put into words spoken by the Ancients, they would say “Let your loneliness guide you home to yourself. What is your lonely state telling you about you?”

Talking about God may not be worship of God, learning about the Bible may not be worship of God. Being our best highest character selves is always glorifying and worship of God.

The Greatest Gift One Can Give Another Is To see Things Through Their Eyes And Walk In Their World With Them. We Wish To Carry Your Burdens With You. Please Share Your Heart With Us.

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Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.