What Does New Age Mean Recognition Of You Being Different God Intended That

What does New Age Mean? When asking this question, we want to give the most complete answer possible to show our deepest respect for the one asking. There are several parts because New Age, or New Age Christianity religious view does not fit into the usual role of what a religious denomination usually occupies. Religions promote religion, we promote the Self. There are a lot of parts of our lives and of ourselves that New Age Christianity’s view involves that we feel is what God wants us to see for ourselves. Many parts of who we are and what constitutes our lives are ignored by the other religions entirely. They want conformity, we encourage individuality. 

What Does New Age Mean Emphasis On Real World Answers

In living our lives, the obstacles we must overcome involve help in these ignored areas. Religion must be a source for all these answers, and other religions simply ignore them labelling them simply as sin we must confess. The problem is we cannot confess the sins of someone else if someone else’s sin is what is causing us pain, causing us deficiencies. Other religions ignore it, but a true religion’s responsibility is to address all such matters with relevant answers, and this is what New Age Christianity attempts to do. Any religion should be a source for answers to anything in our lives, not just answers to theological matters the religion wishes us to believe. That is brainwashing, and unethical religious managements do much of that.

What Does New Age Mean Your Answers Must Fit You

Other religions separate Godly spiritual matters from everyday nonspiritual matters, which is a lie. Everything at some point has a spiritual context to it and a spiritual answer, and New Age recognizes that. New Age teaches we need understanding of all things that affect us in all areas of our lives. For example, all other religions proclaim a blanket teaching of ‘deny yourself, put others first, and yourself last.’ This sounds good coming from a pulpit, but what if your problem is low self-esteem and one has no healthy sense of boundaries in their relationships and finances? The answer for this situation is to put yourself first more and have a stronger sense of self-esteem and stronger boundaries and be more selfish. In other words, one answer does not fit everyone, and other religions teach that it does.

What Does New Age Mean You Are God’s Gift To Someone Or Something

That is because other religions do not recognize the importance of the person. New Age Christianity does recognize the importance of the individual as a unique person. To other religions we are all the same, and New Age Christianity recognizes the sacredness of the individual as unique. All other religions emphasize the preeminence and importance of God, but they demean the importance of the individual God created. How can that be, we are the highest thing in all of God’s creation, and we are supposed to believe we are a mistake and sin because that is how they see us, and we are to believe them?

What Does New Age Mean Bloom Where God Plants You And Be Proud Of Yourself

A person’s station in life has nothing to do with any measurement of success or spiritual status. Social status and spiritual status are in no way connected, neither are educational or financial status a measurement of character and spiritual maturity. Some of the highest character and spiritually mature people I have ever known have occupied the lowest social and financial positions in society, yet they were the persons I looked up to the most, and I still do. They knew what God placed them in life to do, and they did it with all their heart and served those in their world as best they could. Most of these fine people would be completely overlooked or looked down at in almost all mainstream religious cultures. Almost all of them would be labeled as the sinful world or the lost by religious managements.

What Does New Age Mean God’s Will Is A Seed Inside Yourself

Personal character and striving for the highest form of who we can be are the values most important in Humankind and are the values New Age Christianity teaches. All traditional religions’ positions are to tell you how to be a good believer and conform to their definition of you. However, that is a problem. If you are seeking ways to be the highest and truest form of you that you can be in your life, how can you look to their religion for answers when they do not know you as an individual whatsoever? A more reliable source of this highly personal information is needed. And this source my beloved reader is within yourself the person. An outside religion cannot tell you what is to be only found within your heart, as laid out in your own individual life path, in the specific lessons your life path has from which you are to learn.

What Does New Age Mean Theology Does Not Create Character

New Age or New Age Christianity takes an entirely opposite view, teaching that religious education and mastery of theology are of little value spiritually. The qualities of highest value in Humankind are not those qualities taught by mainstream religion. We embrace character, honor, virtue of personhood, and devotion to the common good as the supreme values. Recognition of capitalism and full participation in family and community emotional health are the highest forms of these values.

What Does New Age Mean Accepting Your Seven Birthrights

New Age recognizes the importance of the believer as the most important part of God’s preeminence. So, if we are significant, then that would mean all matters that affect us are likewise just as equally important. This includes matters of self-esteem, boundaries, culture, relationships, personal roles in society, even how we see things as relevant to who we are. We have seven spiritual rights which are the seven gifts God gives each of us. These seven spiritual rights, or functions are how we worship and glorify God. Through use of these sacred gifts, we are to interact with our environment, making our world, and serving others in their worlds. Seeing things through our own eyes, feeling our own feelings, thinking our own thoughts, making our own choices, dreaming our own dreams, building our own dreams, lastly sharing our dreams with Humankind. Doing these seven things are the highest form of worship of God.

What Does New Age Mean Your Gift To God Is Yourself

Do you see a direction in which all this is pointing. Other religions want to point you away from yourself in your life, and that is misleading from what God wants for you in your world. With other religions’ views, they want you looking to them for their answers for you. In New Age Christianity, we want you to look for your answers that fit you, for serving yourself best is the best worship of God. All that starts with you beginning to see things through your own eyes as a starting point and let it all begin from there. It is not either-or, it is both-and. You cannot discover what is out there in life for you unless you also look inward inside yourself and discover what is within you to find your matching place in life out there in which to fit.

Talking about God may not be worship of God, learning about the Bible may not be worship of God. Being our best highest character selves is always glorifying and worship of God.

The Greatest Gift One Can Give Another Is To see Things Through Their Eyes And Walk In Their World With Them. We Wish To Carry Your Burdens With You. Please Share Your Heart With Us.

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Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.